Of Mice and Men summary

Thesis Statement:

John Steinbeck’s “Of mice and men” is a very tragic novella revealing man’s weakness.


Essay Introduction:

John Steinbeck’s “Of mice and men” is a beautiful story but as everything beautiful in this world it has something very tragic inside. Just imagine: the Great Depression, unemployment and constant lack of money and two friends George and Lennie that stay always together and try to earn their dollar to survive. These two men come to a ranch near Soledad, California hoping to be hired and make some money.

Pragraph abstract:

"... George is cautious and imperceptible and Lennie is a strongman with a intellect of a child. Lennie always gets into troubles that are solved by George.  They are migrant workers, who are inspired by their dream to buy a piece of land and do their own farming there.Once they are hired, Lennie gets into a fight with Curley, the son of the boss, who is always mad about his wife, and easily crushes Curley’s hand. Later, Lennie accidently kills a puppy that was given to him as he likes to pet everything soft. Curley’s wife finds it amusing that Lennie is stronger than Curley and starts a conversation with him in which she tells how unhappy she is and also lets him pet his hair. Lennie, not being able to control his strength accidently breaks her neck and flees to a place which was chosen by George for emergency escapes.

As the death of Curley’s wife is revealed Lennie is chased by all the ranch workers that are sent to lynch him to death. George finds Lennie and distracting him with the details of their dream – shoots him in his head to save him from Curley’s tortures...."

Essay Conclusion:

John Steinbeck has created a real masterpiece which is considered to be one of the greatest pieces of classic literature. John Steinbeck’s “Of mice and men” is a very tragic novella revealing man’s weakness and inability of one man go against the society and be free from it.


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