Five (5) Paragraph Essay

How to write a Five paragraph Essay - Outline, Structure, Format, Examples, Topics

How to write a 5-paragraph essay?

A 5-paragraph essay is one of the classic essay forms. It is an essay type, which deals with the analysis of any given topic. One of the key elements of how to write a 5-paragraph essay is to make a draft of thought.

Writing a five paragraph essay

The best way to make such a draft is to make an outline, in which all the ideas of the essay will be assembled in a proper order and make all together one logical professional essay. If the topic for the essay is not assigned by the instruction it is first of all necessary to chose one general topic for the whole paper. A good 5-paragraph essay requires a strong thesis statement and corresponding topic sentences. Topic sentences are sentences, which add more to the thesis statement, and each is opened in a separate paragraph of the essay. Together with the introduction and conclusion paragraphs make 5 paragraphs. A 5-paragraph essay also must be supported with adequate supportive sources.

5-Paragraph essay Outline

This rubric is a condensed treatment of the 5-Paragraph essay writing, this Outline is just a description of the main facts and rules about how to write this type of essay. One should practice as much as possible to become good in writing a five Paragraph essay.

Five Paragraph essay structure

  1. Introductory paragraph

(This opening paragraph is required to have a thesis statement and a short outline of what the paper is about. The main element of an introductory paragraph besides the thesis statement is a connecting element (“transitional hook”) that will catch the reader’s attention and make him continue by reading the body of the essay).

  1. Body
    1. First paragraph (Ordinarily, the first paragraph of the essay body contains the strongest argument of the whole work, the brightest illustration to prove the author’s point or an example that is rather significant. The topic of the paragraph must be mentioned in the topic sentence in one of the first sentences of the paragraph. A “transitional hook” for the next paragraph is required).
    2. Second paragraph (The second paragraph contains correspondingly the second strongest argument of the essay.  The beginning of the second paragraph must be tied with the end of the first one with a “reverse hook”. The topic sentence is revealed din the begging of the paragraph. A “transitional hook” for the next paragraph is required).
    3. Third paragraph (The third paragraph opens the weakest argument to the reader. The topic sentence is to be related or reflect the thesis statement of the essay.  The major point of the essay starts to be revealed and through a “transitional hook” continues in the concluding paragraph).
  1. Concluding paragraph

This paragraph consists of four main elements:

  1. A reference to the way the introductory paragraph was constructed
  2. Thesis restatement without word for word repeating.
  3. The summary of the three arguments presented in the body of the essay.
  4. The major final statement, implying all the mentioned above and clarifying the true essence of the essay.

5 paragraph essays topics and ideas.

Five paragraph essays can be written on many different topics. Delicate approach to the choice of a topic or keen understanding of the one topic is the key element of good essay writing.   
If you hesitate either on choosing the essay topic or the idea for Five paragraph essay please feel free to contact us and we gladly help you any time you need assistance.

Five paragraph essay samples

A vast collection of 5 paragraph essay samples is presented in our database.  Each Five paragraph essay examples provided by our custom essay writing service is absolutely free.

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