Reflective essay

How to write a Reflective Essay - Outline, Structure, Format, Examples, Topics

How to write a Reflective essay?

This type of essay is aimed to reflect a personal event or experience of the essay author. The main condition is that it has to be a certain personal experience on which the author has his very own perception. This experience or even is revealed in the essay in order to demonstrate its importance for understanding social relations and the essence of people. It may be said that a reflective essay possess the traits of a philosophical analysis of different experiences we face in our everyday life. This type of essay reveals the creativity of the students and their ability to change standard perception to a unique one, to their own unique perception of social issues.

Writing a Reflective essay

In order to produce an excellent reflective essay it is vital to remember that the reflective is to have a personal character and to relate to certain philosophic categories. This implies a wide range of possible understanding of the topic of the essay. One of the widespread topics for a reflective essay is “What is love?” in which the author shares his own reflective of this term through the prism of his experience and the common attitude to this social phenomenon. The majority of the questions in such essays are rhetoric

Reflective essay Outline

This rubric is a condensed treatment of the Reflective essay writing, this Outline is just a description of the main facts and rules about how to write this type of essay. One should practice as much as possible to become good in writing a Reflective essay.

Reflective essay structure

 Reflective essay do not have a certain structure because cannot be written according to a standard essay scheme. This is due to the fact that the thesis statements and the conclusions of reflective essays are often blurry.
Here is a probable scheme of a reflective essay:

  • The aim of the opening paragraph is to get the reader involved in the author’s story including interesting details, personal experiences. The style must be very vivid and therefore to appeal to the reader as if it was a tete-a-tete conversation on the meaning of life or love.
  • The middle part reveals a good variety of the author’s ideas on the topic.
  • The concluding sentences summarize the main ideas and experiences of the essay. The author makes a reflective of his general perception of the given topic.

Reflective essays topics and ideas.

Reflective essays can be written on many different topics which base on the reflection of a personal event or experience of the essay author. Delicate approach to the choice of a topic or keen understanding of the one topic is the key element of good essay writing.   
If you hesitate either on choosing the essay topic or the idea for Reflective essay please feel free to contact us and we gladly help you any time you need assistance.

Reflective essay format

This type of essay like all others could be formated in MLA, Chicago/Turabian, APA, AMA. That depends on your essay topic, subject area and the assignment requeirements. Please be consistent following the one style of format of all the essay elements: Title, headings, paragraphs Text pages, Fonts, Indents, Justifications, Spacing, Page numbers, Emphasis, Footnotes, reference list etc.

Reflective Essay Examples

A vast collection of Reflective essay samples is presented in our database.  Each Reflective essay example provided by our custom essay writing service is absolutely free.

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