Fashion and Identity essay The affect of fashion on every person and the analysis of fashion as an integral part of a personalitys identity.
Human Factor in aviation building essay The influence of the Human factor on the potential airline accidents.
Moral Difference Between Hitting a Computer and Hitting a Person Essay Morality as a major factor for understanding the difference between hitting a computer and hitting a person.
Birth order essay The importance of the birth order and its impact on the personality of the child and its future.
Differentiated instruction Essay The educational evaluation of the tasks and purposes of differentiated instruction and its effect on students.
Good and Bad Teachers essay The importance of having a good teacher as a factor of the persons potential success in life.
Assessment Essay The definition and importance of assessment for clinical psychology.
Creative thinking, active reading and effective writing essay The definition and the role of creative thinking, active reading and effective writing in the life of people.
Compare and Contrast
Academic intelligence vs. practical intelligence Essay The comparison and contrast of two types of intelligence: Academic and Everyday intelligence.
Differences between men and women at their workplace The evaluation of concrete differences between men and women at their workplace.