Fashion and Identity essay The affect of fashion on every person and the analysis of fashion as an integral part of a personalitys identity.
Human Factor in aviation building essay The influence of the Human factor on the potential airline accidents.
Moral Difference Between Hitting a Computer and Hitting a Person Essay Morality as a major factor for understanding the difference between hitting a computer and hitting a person.
Educational psychology: Content and predictive validity essay The correct estimation of the validity of the psychological tests.
The strengths and weaknesses of Behaviorism Essay The main scientific psychological arguments on behaviorism as a valid source of psychological data.
Technology and modernity essay The influence of the technological progress on social and cultural isolation of modern people.
Suicide and Durkheim Essay The problem of suicide according to the research of Durkheim.
Reinforcement and punishment essay The evaluation of the reinforcement and punishment as educational methods.
Preventing violence against women essay The evaluation of all the potential possibilities to prevent violence against women.
Pornography is degrading towards women essay The ability of pornography to change the male attitude towards women.