Social issues
Fashion and Identity essay Clothing is basically a covering designed to be worn on a person's body. This covering is a need, a necessity that is dictated by the norms of social conduct.
Human Factor in aviation building essay The failure to detect the aircraft defects has cause a lot of innocent victims and damaged reputations for the airline companies.
Moral Difference Between Hitting a Computer and Hitting a Person Essay The computer remains being a material thing and does not stand on the same level with a friend and as we all know morality concerns only rational persons and not things; and a thing will not ever substitute a person.
Auxiliary Police Auxiliary Police is a volunteer service and its aim in the first place is to provide uniform vehicle, bicycle and foot patrols.
Child abuse Essay The telephone report should include detailed information about the person making the report and detailed information about the child, suspected of being a victim of abuse: location, special needs, injury, ect. Afterwards all the details must be repeated by the contact person and approved by the reporting teacher.
Critical Theory Discussion Essay As the relationships in the society are very dynamic and people learn how to defend their rights and interests, critical theory suggests a speculation from evidence that the law has grown old and does not completely keep the society interests to the level it should.
Economic Development since 1950 essay The technological progress leading to the economic development of the post 1950s time had a pre history in the events of the 1920-1040s technological achievements.
Economic Society essay Back in the past the majority women worked in their households and depended on their husbands and contemporary workingwomen earn only 44% from their potential lifetime earnings, so the majority of the work remains unpaid. There is no clear division for what women should and should not be paid.
Merit Pay for teachers Essay The main goal of merit-pay system is to pay according to concrete results presented by each of these teachers and not by the degree and the years of experience they have.
Women in Nathaniel Hawthorne literature Essay Hawthorne clears the difference between women and men but through making this comparison he puts them on the same level and therefore considers a women to a decent counterweight to a man.