Critical Essay Questions on Social issues

List of questions for a Critical essay on Social issues

Fashion and Identity essay What is the main tool every man uses to stand out from the crowd? How does clothing become a part of the self-realization of people? Why is fashion for both men and women associated with their identity?
Human Factor in aviation building essay How does the human factor influence the aviation building? Why do airline accidents depend so much on the human factor? How does the behavior of people provokes errors leading to accidents?
Moral Difference Between Hitting a Computer and Hitting a Person Essay How can hitting a computer be compared to hitting a person? Is a man who hits a computer able to hit a man the same way? What moral aspect concerns the difference between hitting a man and a computer?
Educational psychology: Content and predictive validity essay What is the most important features of the test validity? What is the difference between content and predictive validity? How does predictive validity helps in the evaluation of the tests?
The strengths and weaknesses of Behaviorism Essay Why is behaviorism considered to be a vital part of psychology? Why do mental processes possess no interest for the behaviorists? What can human behavior tell about the person?
Technology and modernity essay How can the development of modern technologies provoke social isolation of different people? In what way the technological progress influences the level of culture? What do culture, intelligence, personal identity and economy form?
Suicide and Durkheim Essay Why has suicide become an extremely important social issue in every contemporary society? What is the list of potential reasons that can possible result in a suicide? How can religion prevent a man from committing suicide?
Reinforcement and punishment essay How do boys try to use their physical strength in order to achieve self-affirmation? What is the most effective reinforcement method? Is physical punishment effective in the long run?
Preventing violence against women essay How is violence defined and what relation does K-12 education has to violence? Why is teaching non-violent behavior important? Why does male violence against women occur in the long run?
Pornography is degrading towards women essay How is the male population influenced by sexually violent content in magazines, video and pornography? Does pornography change the male attitude towards women? What is the attiture of the society towards pornography

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