Personal essay questions

Good Personal essay questions for college and high school

College Admission
College Admission Essay on music What does the sound of music mean to the applicant? What role does piano play in the applicants life? What are the applicants major recognition awards?
College Admission Essay-classmate portrait How do diverse backgrounds and experiences influence the communication of different students? What are the specific traits of a potential college classmate? Why is the ability to communicate so important in college?
UW-Madison Admission Essay Why is UW-Madison a number one priority university for the applicant? How can UW-Madison satisfy the professional aspirations of the applicant? What contribution has the applicants membership in the society leadership program made into his choice?
Short story essay In what way back in the times a good attitude to Native Americans was considered to be strange? What feeling did Tom have for Gloria? How different were Toms feeling to his mother and to Gloria?
Thank you letter to the ex-teacher Essay What is the real reason the author is writing a thank you letter to his teacher? What qualities made the teacher such an outstanding educator? What is the student grateful for?
Super-hero essay How did Akatava get her abilities? Is Akatavas ability somehow connected with the tragedy of her life? What is Akatavas goal of life and the usage of her ability?
Procrastination essay Why does procrastination take the best time of the life of any person? Why do people tend to postpone everything for tomorrow? What is the most effective way to stop procrastinating?
Life of a Girl Paradigm Essay What is life like for a 19-year-old girl? Why is making correct choices are especially important at the age of 19? What is the role of love in the life of a 19-year-old girl?
Work history and experiences essay In what way has the experience of working as an administrative assistant affected the author? What has the author learned concerning business matters? How has the working experience influenced the personality of the author?
Letter for delivery of bad news essay Why does Steadfast Inc. refuse Mr. Sommers to make the reimbursement to tuitions? Is Steadfast Inc. eager to make investments into the professional growth of the people they employ? Why is Steadfast Inc. encouraging Mr. Sommers to try the program again?

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