Global warming Essay Global warming is the concept that has all rights to be regarded a dangerous phenomenon. It is especially true for the planet that is being exposed to the global warming. Humanity contributes to global warming. Under such circumstances the humanity should think about the possible solutions. The Earth is known to be engaged into a long-term warming cycle. The humanity is responsible for the negatives effects of the global warming.
Free process essay example on Haiti Earthquake The recent Haiti earthquake has posed tremendous challenges before the international community. Below is a list of future recommendations that require immediate concern taking into account the adverse affects caused by the disaster.
Compare and Contrast
Natural disasters: Hurricane Katrina Essay Hurricane is a natural disaster. The disaster is usually associated with the severe changes that are being brought to the country and people themselves. I will compare and contrast the hurricane Katrina and Gustav hurricane.The August 28th, 2005, has been marked by the spread of Hurricane Katrina.