Natural disasters: Hurricane Katrina Essay

disaster / hurricane / hurricane katrina / weather

              Hurricane is a natural disaster. The disaster is usually associated with the severe changes that are being brought to the country and people themselves. The main point is that natural disasters are very different yet very similar in their nature. The similarities usually come when we are talking about damages: usually all the hurricanes are associated with the severe damages that are being bought to the state. As for the differences between the natural disasters, these can be classified as the scope of the disaster and the regions it covers. In this paper I will compare and contrast the hurricane Katrina and Gustav hurricane.

                                              Natural Disasters Comparison

Gustav hurricane belongs to a category four hurricane. This hurricane was reported to rip through Cuba. Eventually, the hurricane was on course to hit the US. The hurricane took place three years after Hurricane Katrina.  The Huricane is not as strong as the hurricane Catrina, but it was reported to cause a severe damage to the state. The damage caused by the hurricane has amounted to £1.3bn bill. This was the general sum of the damage that has been caused by hurricanes Gustav the summer of the year 2008.

The August 28th, 2005, has been marked by the spread of Hurricane Katrina. The hurricane was known to hit the southern coast of the United States. The major feature of the Hurricane Katrina is its devastating effect.  It was reported that the hurricane killed about 1,800. The number of damages totaled $81 billion dollars.

Bother of the hurricane brought severe damages to the US. Both of the two can be regarded as the most hurricanes that caused the damages for the sum of about $25bn (£14.6bn). The total damage associated with the hurricane is very big.

Bother of the hurricanes has a significant impact on the coastal and inland communities that are living in southern US states. Many of these are assessing and settling claims as quickly as possible. This measure is predominately taken to rebuild the whole area. For example, Gustav was reported to caused extensive damage across the Caribbean in late August. The hurricane was known to travel towards the US.



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