Bank of America essay

Bank of America / president / CEO / COO / customer

Essay Topic:

The evaluation of the role that the president, chief executive officer (CEO) and chief operating officer (COO) play in the life of Bank of America.

Essay Questions:

What role does Bank of America play for the US economy? Who are the three major people in this company? How do the leaders of the Bank of America show their dedication to their job and clients?

Thesis Statement:

The popularity the bank is enjoying at the present moment would not be possible without the extraordinary efforts of the people who actually run the bank at its very top; in terms of such people it is necessary to point out three major ones: president, chief executive officer (CEO) and chief operating officer (COO).


Bank of America Essay

Introduction: Bank of America is one of the leading banks on the territory of the United States of America. It actually is the second largest commercial bank in the country if measured in assets. It is also the third largest company in the world according to Forbes Global. The Bank was founded in 1784 and by now its income is almost six billion dollars. Americans trust their earning to the Bank of America and not only because it is the second oldest bank but because the dedication of its employees is rather impressing and can be traces from the leaders of the corporation. The popularity the bank is enjoying at the present moment would not be possible without the extraordinary efforts of the people who actually run the bank at its very top; in terms of such people it is necessary to point out three major ones: president, chief executive officer (CEO) and chief operating officer (COO).

The president of Bank of America is also its CEO and the chairman of the bank. Kenneth D. Lewis outstandingly plays the role of the three and is the one that has lead the bank to its moment of glory. The president of Bank of America is also its CEO and the chairman of the bank. Kenneth D. Lewis outstandingly plays the role of the three and is the one that has lead the bank to its moment of glory. This person has come a long way to be eligible to run the whole Bank of America Corporation as he joined it in 1969. In 2002 Ken Lewis was declared to be the Banker of the Year and later the top chief executive officer according to the information of the US Banker. His work as the president and CEO resulted in the improvement of customer satisfaction by 29% and the increase of the total shareholders returns. Owing to this person the bank has reached its financial blossom. The Chief Operating Officer of Bank of America is Milton H. Jones Jr. The work of this person is very significant as it deals with the responsibility for the operational risks that the corporation takes. One of the priorities of this position is to maintain the technological platforms of the bank up-to-date. COO controls the banks financial systems and processes and plays the role of the chief economist.

Conclusion: Milton Jones, like Ken Lewis has come a long way to be at this positions and he puts all his forces in the potential success of the company. The 29 years he dedicated to Bank of America make his a specialist with a capitol latter. The COO of Bank of America is a person that truly helps to shape the bank the way it functions right now. It is not just a job a person leaves at seven oclock and forgets about until the next morning Ken Lewis and Milton Jones work 24 hours, seven days a week. These three-listed positions within the inner bank structure are the titans who hold the bank of top of all the others. The decisions they make influence every single customer of Bank of America.


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