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Sample Essay on Pride Definition

Example of Definition essay, Sample Paper

1. Pride is family (children)
The family is the reflection of the persons life. A family where the relations between the members are positive, a family that leads to the persons self-perfection is a true subject of being proud. Children are not just family members but also the continuance of the parents. It can be even said that children truly are the future of their parents, the reflection of their inner world. And each step that a child takes makes the parent proud, makes them feel that they will not be forgotten in this world but realized through their children. A lot of efforts and love are put into the family and that is why the fact that this very family is the best in the world is not to be argued but taken as an axiom. This is my pride is family.

Definition of Pride Essay

2. Pride is job.
A good job is a big accomplishment nowadays because a lot of forces are put into it. Having a good job is the result of having a good education, which is always an honest dedication to the profession, sleepless nights and dreams about a better future. A good job is also a guarantee of a stable well-being for the person and his family. A good job means recognition from the side of the employers and the colleagues. A good job is self-realization and the satisfaction of the need in respect of the associates and self-respect. Having a job means that the person is claimed by the company he is working for, which opens the possibilities for a successful career. Having a job implies having more possibilities in life and showing true professionalism that is why pride is job.

3. Pride is allegiance.
A real pride is allegiance to people, places, feelings, beliefs, points of view, ideals, principles. This is about allegiance to honesty, dignity and inner strength. It is all about staying the person you are under any circumstances, which implies knowing who you are and what qualities you possess. If a person is faithful to his own loved ones and friends, if his opinion about them does not change under the influence of any factors, if his beliefs are profound and his deed are in a harmony with his words, then the person can be proud of himself. Allegiance has honesty and devotion as its integral part. So, a person that is devoted to his opinions till the very is worth of being proud of. This is why pride is allegiance.
Pride is a lot of things at the same time.

But its major aspect is that the subject of pride has to bring positive changes to the life of the person and to the world around him. Whether it is a family, a job or allegiance, it is always about staying on top of things: living in harmony with the family, achieving self-realization through having a job or being honest and devoted to people and feelings. Each of these is pride and pride is all these things at the same time.


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