Personal Diet and Activity Plan essay

nutrition / healthy lifestyle / food / Nutritional Pyramid / body

Essay Topic:

The analysis of an experience of a personal diet and activity plan.

Essay Questions:

What is the role of nutrition in the life of every man?

What are the laws of healthy human nutrition?

How can a young person cope with “passion” for food?

Thesis Statement:

The problem of healthy human nutrition is a vital question nowadays, because due to the contemporary lifestyle some people have a completely physically passive life and consume for more than they need to keep the correct balance in their organism.


Personal Diet and Activity Plan essay


Table of contents:

• Introduction

• Three main things about my nutritional habits

• Weight reduction and plan to change

• Conclusion

1. Introduction

The fact that proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are indivisible. But the main question is that what kind of nutrition can be called a “healthy” one – this question has become the battlefield for numerous authors. The theories of rational nutrition appear everyday and everybody is always trying new diets. As for me, it was really hard to evaluate and choose which theory of healthy nutrition is the most advanced one, because each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The first lesson I learned for the Human Nutrition course was that the strategy of nutrition is to be chosen according the health, the individual peculiarities of the person’s organism and even one’s tastes. That is the reason of one diet being effective for one group of people and completely useless for another one - and has to be planned for each given individual. The problem of healthy human nutrition is a vital question nowadays, because due to the contemporary lifestyle some people have a completely physically passive life and consume for more than they need to keep the correct balance in their organism. According to my personal experience, the majority of people simply do not know what they should and what they should not eat at all. An overindulgent “passion” for food is the beginning of a disease and this passion needs to be fought emphatically and patiently. Even young people face nutritional problems very early nowadays because the modern society requires having good looks in order to succeed and extra-weight is an indicator of an unhealthy way of life and therefore a lack of self-discipline.

2. Three main things about my nutritional habits

The perfect beginning of changing nutrition habits is to observe the present ones. My personal nutritional habits sometimes included overeating when I could not fight the hunger anymore. After this observations and the knowledge I obtained for the course of Human Nutrition I understood that all I need to do in order to get the necessary calories, vitamins and minerals for my organism I need to need to consume various types of food. Not to eat simply fruits or dairy products, but all the elements of the Nutritional Pyramid. Another important thing I learned is that I need to keep the balance between the amounts of food I eat and my physical activity for this is the only way to be always of a necessary weight. My food needs to be low fat and include more fruit, vegetables and croups. My nutrition habits also included the consumption of high quantity of sugar. At the present moment I acknowledge that I need to prefer fish and white meat and eat as less red meat as possible.The third main principle of healthy nutrition is consuming a moderate amount of food at a time and I general. A person needs to eat exactly the amount of food he needs to cover his “energy expenses”. It is also very important to remember about the biorhythm of the organism when counting the potential “energy expenses” of the organism. For instance a person that prefers to work at night and sleep during the day needs only a small cup of tea in the morning, while a person that wakes up early needs a more considerable breakfast.As I prefer to wake up early my day now start with the “elixir of health” which is a 0.5 l of decoction from vegetables (containing potatoes, carrots, parsley and dill). My body gets all the required vitamins to start the day with this “elixir”.Another fact that was of a great use for me was eating according the internal biological “clock” of my organism. For instance taking anything “fat: in the morning is very hard for the digestive system and eating at 15 p.m. will make the meal more tasty as in this time of day the organs of feelings are increased to their limit, especially the smell and taste abilities.


3. Weight reduction and plan to change

The individual need of my body is to lose some weight that prevents me from being more physically active. The course taught me that even following a diet requires providing necessary substances for the organism. They include: the amount of calories, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.

It goes without saying that a diet reduces the consumption of fat but if the amount of calories is insufficient the organism starts experiencing a crisis which results in it storing all the fat is gets. The amino acids are the ones that help the body to produce proteins and cannot be synthesized by the organism itself when it is on a diet. So even being on a diet does not mean that the organism does not need its nine vital amino acids. The body cannot also live without minerals because a physically active body needs calcium, zinc and other minerals. The lack of all the listed substances may cause a significant irreversible damage for the body.

I try to maintain a balance between the required element and my diet. My nutrition plan is the next: I have a snack every two hours and at the same time, so my organism works out the needed components for the process of digestion right to the time of my meal. My first meal is at 8 o’clock and the last one at 18-00, because I give my alimentary canal the required twelve-hour rest so it completely recovers. I eat each different product at a time during each meal including, fruits, vegetable and dairy products. I also remember that the most compatible products are vegetables, fruits and honey. I do not consume eggs before 14-00, for they are very “hard” for the digestive system and never eat eggs with butter at the same time. I also do not take salt because the only case when the organism needs it in case of the exhaustion of adrenal glands.

My Family has been affected by my new nutrition habits. Now, when they know some vital nutritional facts they try to eat a healthier food and not to eat to late. Ever since I started to implement my nutrition plan the problem of occasional overeating has left me and now I feel completely healthy. My plan also includes 30 minutes of exercises in the morning in order to wake up my muscles for the day and trade-mill running three times a week.


It is very important to remember that personal activity and energy balance is the vital part of healthy life now and in the future. Nevertheless it is not the only vital thing to remember. There is even one more important thing that a nutrition plan will not work without: each product has its own “energetic charge”. If a person is in a bad mood it is better to take a shower, to listen to light music and to start having a meal in a good mood. If a person starts a meal in a bad mood he neutralizes all the positive energetic charge of the products and the organism gets a lifeless mass instead of life vitamins and other necessary minerals. Another important thing is to eat what a person likes with a true appetite. So I based my nutrition plan on the fruit and vegetable I prefer to eat for the organism instinctively feels what products it needs.

My new nutrition plan is completely based on the information I got the Human Nutrition course and it has quite changes my general health state. I am happy with my personal results and the results of my family and I know that a deeper analysis of the aspects of correct nutrition will make me a very healthy person with a proper lifestyle.


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