Outdoor activities observation essay

park / activities / central park / new york


Title: Different People one common goal


We are all different holding our individual views and perceptions of the thing around us. Such individualized behaviour is common while we are absorbed by daily routines and chores, though there is at least one place where we can share common value of relaxation.

As nowhere else, in the park we can completely relax and get surprised by the common interest. Therefore observing people in the park presents a high concern in due context since it allows to analyze different people sharing the same value and aiming at a single goal.

General discussion

            While in the park, we forget about our routines and commitments that daily bound our conscious minds and mechanically predetermine our activities and decisions. This feature alone makes the park a place we associate with the spirit of relaxation.

Along with breaching fresh air and enjoying marvellous sceneries we can genuinely relax by simple walking around or sitting on a park bench whistling with the birds or singing a cheering song.

At that, we our mental process is relaxed and free of any thoughts and problems. It is like a sort of meditation subconsciously letting us to the state of nirvana wherein our mind is drowned for a few hours or so.

            Actually, people are doing the vast variety of things in the park. Some of us come here with children or their bellowed pets to spend time together while playing games or just walking.

Others seek a source of enjoyment while communicating with their peers at the game of chess or jigsaw puzzles. The third category would be lovers dating in the most romancing atmosphere benefiting deeper closeness and devotion.

Musicians, eccentrics and amateur sportsmen are also among the commonest visitors in the park area. However, the commonest category consists of the aged people who have plenty of time to relax while reminding the past and enjoying each single day.

Overall the spirit of relaxation indulges everyone and the following observation is the proof of this statement. It was on a sunny spring afternoon when commuters were returning from their work. The Central Park in New York is the spot crossed by thousands feet daily. However, that particular day was special.

Mostly all benches were occupied by city dwellers of different ages, occupations and backgrounds. Such diversity, though, did not bear any importance in The Big Apple considered a multicultural melting pot. Old couples were chatting over the TV news while the young pair of businessmen was passing by arguing over the most recent Dow Jones fall.

The old jazzman was playing lovely tunes from Louis Armstrong collection seducing passers-by to fill his hat with the change from their pockets. The arguments expressed by the two businessmen got fiercer and at some point they stopped. They looked at the old bunch of friends playing chess at one of the park benches, and decided to bet who would be better at the game.

They asked a permission to play against the acknowledged local pro and made bets. Two of them lost the game shortly, though while playing they understood that it was long ago since they enjoyed the true feeling of relaxation in the situation like that. More than that, they realized that overwhelming daily involvement in business operations left them friendless, and so poor.  

After few minutes of true relaxation, two colleagues understood that there are values much more significant rather money-making. Genuinely, the park atmosphere opened their eyes on reality and how little is needed to get happier. Only few moments with unknown people in a friendly atmosphere would change their lives forever.

Observing this scene was both enjoying and useful. Such moments in our life uncover its true essence before us. Most of us tend to reach perfection without understanding that it is a moving target.

While aiming to fulfil our ambitions and attain our goals we are prone to constant stresses and pressures. Busy lifestyles disable us of thinking of eternal values and enjoy the gifts of the nature. But park is the place where we get what we need on spiritual level. It is a place truly combining our needs with our capacities on a subconscious level. We relax here because we see relaxed people around us, no matter what they are doing at a definite period of time.


The common goal of relaxation subconsciously absorbs everyone from kids feeding pigeons to pregnant mothers-to-be discussing the coming labour process.  We relax because internally we sense the tunes of nature playing its charming melody through the shakes of the leaves on the trees, whispers of grass, rain drops, and smiles of sun rays.

Sensory perception makes us close our eyes and see the different world, the world of magic, fantasy and imagination. The spirit of magic is passing from one person to another infecting all those present in the park and so we all aim at a single goal – to deviate from reality through the state of relaxation.


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