International sudent's dream essay

politics / dream / france / personal statement

      A Dream from a French Student

Politics is shrouded with a mystery. It attracts everyone of us. We live by politics without even noticing it, we need it like air.

Politics, like a crouching animal, unnoticeably sneaks up on you, and when it is the right time, it catches you. You become the prisoner in its hands. Some people are captured totally, and they become eager to give their life for it. Others are left aside by politics; they are ascribed with passive positions and roles.
            I view politics as an amazing organism with its inner world, its positive and negative sides; it is a complicated riddle, which I always tried to solve. Some might object to this point of view and say that politics is a dirty thing, that it just spoils people. To some extent, they are right. However, I am inclined to think that it is vice versa: people spoil politics. They try to satisfy their needs, achieve their selfish aims.It’s people who engage in the relationships of rivalry, using not the best means for that, and then justify their actions by saying that such is the politics. That is probably why I’m a little afraid of politics. It appeals to me due to its history, its dimensions, and brightness. Sometimes it makes me shudder, sometimes it calms me down.

I realize that everything around me is permeated by politics, that it is impossible to live outside politics, and that it is difficult not to talk about politics. That is the reason why I continue to be kept by its magic and become its prisoner all over again.

Being French, I enjoy wandering in the deep woods of the changeable French politics. However, the U.S. is the country where I would like to enrich my knowledge of political sciences because I admire its political tradition immensely.

The University of California holds incredibly strong appeal to me because of its great history. I would be happy to be a part of this community which consists of people with multiple cultures, lifestyles, and beliefs. As for my English, I am sure it will not be a problem because last summer I made an English intensive program in Harvard.

As for the things I like… It’s not only politics, for sure. There is a lot more… Traveling. Rollers. Photos. A lot of photos. Jazz. The Internet. Square as a form of foundation. Chocolate. Watching movies in English without translation. Water. I envy those who are not afraid of participating in the car insanity. Although being a pedestrian is also great – you have time to notice so many interesting things. All these fragments mentioned above make up my private world.

         Besides, I like psychology, and it often helps me in everyday life. Ask me to sit on a particular chair, and I’ll guess your psychological and emotional purposes for choosing that chair. I’m involved in an on-going quest for self-identity. I want to know what I want, where I stand, who I am and why I am going. I have a speculative and analytic nature, producing a marked tendency to read between the lines. Intellectually independent and curious, I am able to temporarily enter the realms of every book ever read, every movie ever seen, every song ever heard.

             I have an autistic brother and I always took care of him. Very often it was extremely hard to understand him, but I tried really hard. It’s a great pleasure for me to see his progress. I wish he could live a full life with all its opportunities and joys.

            The past two years of my life have presented me with clear visions of my future. I see myself studying political sciences at the University of California.  The University of California offers me more than the distinguished reputation of this great school, but a diverse student community, numerous academic and non-academic activities to take part in. With the help of this University, I hope to gain the knowledge I need for becoming a good politician to make the politics at least a bit cleaner.


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