Essay on Leadership and Organizational Behavior - Hofstede


                     Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness

The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Research Project can be characterized as rather complicated multi-phase, and multi-method project. The project is posed to examine how the inter-relationships between societal culture, organizational culture, and organizational leadership shape a modern culture. The project is known to involve about hundred seventy social scientists and management scholars. These are represented by the people from 61 cultures. These people are known to be engaged in this long-term programmatic series of cross-cultural leadership studies. The research program much resembles the Hofstede model of five dimensions of national cultures. The analysis of the program is based on GLOBE’s 2004 summary book. This book is based on the analysis of a number of meta-factors. Many of these are significantly correlated with GNP/capita. The number is taken from the Hofstede dimensions. This is basically based on the analysis of the primarily that is present with Power Distance. Many issues covered in the study are closely concerned with Hofstede’s Individualism. The knowledge of the issues helps to avoid the long-term orientation. Many of the questions that are incorporated in the study include a number of GLOBE questions. These are related to Hofstede’s dimension of Masculinity versus Femininity. When to analyze the GLOBE’s respondents’ minds, one can find many ways in which the questions can be classified.


                      The GLOBE study: an impressive international research effort

The Spring of 2004 is associated with a number of changes. One of these is the launch of

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness. The GLOBE study was first initiated by Robert J. House in 1991. The research is aimed at increasing human knowledge about the issue of leadership. The whole study is concerned with a number of aspects such as national and organizational cultures. The period of 1994–1997 has been marked by

170 voluntary collaborators. These have been gathered from about 17,000 managers in 951 local (non-multinational) organizations.

The GLOBE study is comprised of four major cross-cultural research projects. These have been carried out in the 1990s.

The book is known to introduce the ‘dimensions’ paradigm. These are usually done by presenting the people a cultural differences that exist between modern nations. These notion can be meaningfully measured and ordered along a discrete set of dimensions. These are represented by the presence of different answers to universal problems of human societies. These are known to have been derived from a number of dimensions including such important one as:

  1. Power Distance
  2. Uncertainty Avoidance
  3.  Individualism–Collectivism

Hofstede is known by one more dimension - Long- versus Short-Term Orientation. The dimension is known as normal science’ approach to cross-cultural business studies. This is so even though the researcher diverges in their choice of dimensions. GLOBE is known not only for adopting the dimensions paradigm. Kuhn (1970), defines the dimensions paradigm as the ‘normal science’ approach to cross-cultural business studies. Still, a number of scientists are divergent in their opinions. (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness

Research Project)


Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Project.


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