Silliness definition essay The essay explains the meaning of silliness. To provide personal viewpoint on the issue, past experiences and observations are being applied. Furthermore, the relevant examples are given in line with descriptive and narrative techniques providing evidence and focus on one particular meaning and effect. Silliness stands for silly and/or frivolous behaviour guided by our impulses rather than rational thinking. Depending on circumstances, people are prone to the acts of silliness without considering long-lasting effects of their acts. Our impulsive scatterbrained manners often cause serious troubles and mistakes we make are difficult to resolve in the long run. Silly decisions and acts are particular to domestic arguments and family quarrels.
Evil definition essay Evil is the notion that is used to signify bad qualities rather that particular substance. In combination, these qualities may lead to injury or mischief. The effect that is being brought by the combination of such qualities is often called “evil.” The same notion can be also applied to a substance that is having a nature or properties which finally may negatively affect a person. In general, evil is not something that is simply dad – the practice actually shows that evil is more than that.
Wisdom definition essay Wisdom is a personality possession that one gains over a lifetime of experience. It is a possession that is bestowed upon a person, rather than one that the person recognizes on his or her own. Wisdom incorporates many other traits, but the requirement that it is recognized by people other than the ones possessing it set wisdom apart from other personality traits. Wisdom is a compilation of a life's experience marked by humility, kairos, and unselfishness.
Military Service definition essay Military service is performed by an individual in an army or other military organization as a chosen job or conscription (involuntary draft). There are nations that require a specific amount of military service from each citizen. Conversely, nations with fully volunteer military service do not require mandatory military service from its citizens. However, in all instances military service is obligatory in the event of recruitment crisis in times of war.
Love definition essay Love is a unique feeling of respect, adoration, desire for a given individual or “object” which eventually makes the person to become one whole entity and at the same time reveals the dependence on the object of love as a carrier of a unique combination of the proportion of certain qualities or peculiarities. In terms of psychological aspects, love has a dual character
Americanism Essay Americanism is not just a word taken from the American-English slang. It is the evidence of the exceptionality of the American nation. American with its populations knows that its lifestyle is qualitatively different from other countries. This qualitative difference contains a lot of factors inside: the history of the United States of America, the credo of the nation, the political and economic structures and many others.
Courage Definition Essay Courage is a magnificent word. For many people risking or giving one's life for others is probably the highest example of courage. This is an action that will always be deeply respected by other people and touches every single one of us to the core. What about everyday courage? Can certain devoted actions made by ordinary people in ordinary situations be considered to be courageous? Is courage measured by physically giving someone’s life away for somebody?